Beer Jesus faces prosecution.

Beer Jesus faces prosecution.

Popular Wellington brewery bar Fork & Brewer is facing prosecution for referring to brewer Kelly Ryan as the Beer Jesus.

Popular Wellington brewery bar Fork & Brewer is facing prosecution for referring to brewer Kelly Ryan as the Beer Jesus.

Family First spokesman Bob McCrankie is taking the prosecution under New Zealand’s little-known blasphemy law. “Frankly I had no idea blasphemy was still on the law books,” McCrankie told Too Much to Beer. “But when I found out we did it seemed too good to miss.”

Fork & Brewer has frequently referred to Ryan as the Beer Jesus, for his miraculous brewing prowess and his 40-days-in-the-desert attitude to male grooming.

“I read about this Beer Jesus guy on the internet – big Neil Miller fan – and I thought I should stamp it out before the law was dropped by this PC-gone-mad lefty government. I will be filing papers at Wellington Central Police Station this afternoon, then I’ll pop up to that nice bar on Bond Street to get a haggis pizza.”

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